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Will Facelift Surgery Ever Take a Backseat to Fillers?



Will Facelift Surgery Ever Take a Backseat to Fillers?

Girl photo created by prostooleh –

Do you want to look younger but don’t want the pain of surgery? Fillers are a great alternative to surgery. They can help reduce wrinkles and lines on your face without invasive procedures. Learn more about how fillers and a facelift work in this blog post!

What is Facelift?

A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the face and neck. It can reduce or eliminate wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots on the face and neck. The surgery may also involve tightening muscles in these areas.

The Procedure

Facelift surgery usually takes several hours to complete. Your doctor will make incisions (cuts) in the hair-bearing areas of your scalp, behind your ears, and on your neck or chin. The type of facelift you receive depends on where most of the sagging skin is located; either an endoscopic lift that uses small incision techniques allowing for minimal scarring or a traditional facelift that uses longer incisions.

Once the skin is loose, your doctor will tighten the underlying tissues and muscles with sutures (stitches). They may also remove excess fat deposits and then re-drape the skin over your face and neck. Finally, the doctor will close the incisions with stitches or surgical tape. To learn more about the procedure, visit


Most people can go home the same day as their surgery. However, you will need someone to drive you home and stay with you for a few days following your procedure. Experts will also advise you to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks. Most people experience some bruising and swelling after surgery, which usually goes away within two weeks.

A facelift expert will take you through all you need to know.

What are Fillers?

Fillers are a type of cosmetic surgery used to fill in wrinkles and lines on the face. They can also add volume to the lips, cheeks, and chin.

Types of Fillers

Hyaluronic Acid – This is the most common type of filler. It is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps maintain skin elasticity and hydration.

Collagen – This is another popular type of filler. It is made from animal tissue and helps add volume to the face.

Polylactic Acid – This is a newer type of filler that helps to reduce wrinkles and lines. It is made from a biodegradable material gradually absorbed by the body.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite – This is a permanent filler that is made from mineral crystals. It can add volume to the cheeks, chin, and lips.

The most common type of filler is hyaluronic acid. This is a natural substance that is found in the body. It helps to keep the skin hydrated and smooth.

There are several different types of fillers available, and each one has its benefits and drawbacks. To learn more about fillers, visit


Fillers are generally injected into the skin with a needle. They can be slightly painful, but local anesthetics are often used to prevent any discomfort during the procedure.

Most patients report that their treatment takes about 30 minutes once it is all said and done. Procedures vary depending on what area of the face needs filler, how much filler is required, and the patient’s personal preferences.

People generally need to go back for a few follow-up sessions as their skin continues to heal and adapt over time. The results typically start becoming visible within about two weeks after treatment. Fillers usually last anywhere from six months to several years, depending on what type of filler was used. If interested in knowing more about facial fillers, visit


Some side effects can occur with any filler, but they tend to be minor and temporary in most cases. Some patients may experience a few days or so of mild pain, bruising, swelling around the injection site, redness along the cheeks or brow bone area where the filler is injected, and a shiny look to the skin.

The most common side effects associated with this type of procedure generally occur due to an allergic reaction. Patients may experience redness, itching, and burning around the injection site, flaking skin along with the cheeks or brow bone area where the filler is injected blisters that form at those sites, and a rash.

If any of these side effects occur, it is essential to notify your doctor immediately.

Facelift Surgery

Medical photo created by prostooleh –

Benefits of Facelift over Fillers

1. Lasts longer, up to a year instead of several months

2. No injections are required. Surgery is done under anesthesia, so you don’t have to worry about the downtime from having the area numbed or pain medication injected. You can go home immediately after and resume normal activities as soon as your doctor deems it safe for you to do so.

3. No risk of the product being injected incorrectly and causing a severe problem, such as an infection or blindness. There is also no chance you will react to the products after they are administered into your body. You can get multiple procedures done at once, including neck lifts if necessary; there’s no need to go back for multiple appointments.

4. Results are often more predictable than fillers. Since you’re removing the excess tissue and tightening the skin, it will look younger longer since there is less sagging in addition to any improvement from the surgery itself.

Benefits of Fillers over Facelift

1. Cheaper! Facelift surgery is expensive. Fillers are relatively inexpensive compared to the cost of a facelift.

2. Potentially fewer complications and side effects. Fillers have fewer risks than facelifts, which can lead to scarring or skin damage if something goes wrong during your procedure that requires surgery.

3. Less downtime. You will likely be able to return to your everyday activities much sooner after getting fillers than you would after facelift surgery.

4. Fillers can provide more subtle results. If you are looking for a less drastic change, fillers may be the better option for you than surgery. Surgery can leave you with a noticeable scar.

5. Fillers are less invasive than surgery, offering more immediate results. The surgery takes time to heal and can take weeks before the final result is visible – but fillers give you instant gratification!

6. It’s reversible if something goes wrong or doesn’t work out as you hoped it might.

7. Most people can work around the house and perform their daily duties without feeling too much pain after receiving fillers compared to having a surgical procedure such as a facelift. This is particularly true when fillers are used for cosmetic purposes only, not corrective ones.

But with all the new fillers on the market, will facelift surgery ever take a backseat?
Some side effects can occur with any filler, but they tend to be minor and temporary in most cases. Some patients may experience a few days or so of mild pain, bruising, swelling around the injection site, redness along the cheeks or brow bone area where the filler is injected, and a shiny look to the skin.

In conclusion, there are some benefits to both facelift surgery and fillers, but one isn’t necessarily better than the other. While there is a risk of complications with each type of procedure, you must choose which option works best for your individual needs and those of your lifestyle.

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