Become a Contributor
If you’re interested in becoming a contributor, please read our guidelines below:
• We are looking for articles related to personal development, success, health, motivation, business, entrepreneurship, technology, travel, finance, lifestyle, career, and education.
• Please make sure your article has at least 800 words.
• All submissions must be in English.
• The article must be original and has never been published online before.
• Please send the article title first. Many people send articles that are not relevant, so it is best to get approval for the title first.
• We will review all articles to determine whether they meet our editorial standards before publishing them on our blog.
• Articles that are clearly intended as link-building schemes will be rejected.
• Include a short bio about yourself and the email address that you use for Gravatar. You may include your website or social media link in your bio.
• Self-promotion in the body of the article is strictly prohibited. Your website link should be added to your bio.
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We’ll do our best to respond to your message as soon as possible. If you don’t hear back from us within 48 hours, please feel free to follow up using the alternate email address.