How to Choose Brand Colors to Fit Your Business
Branding is an effective way of identifying your company or business. It helps in marketing your product and services to potential customers. To brand your business effectively, you’ll need to create a banner or a business logo. Brand logos come in different designs, shapes, and colors.
Understanding the effect color has on consumer behavior is of vital importance for the success of your brand. Studies show that the biggest motivator when selecting a product is color.
Colors are known to convey information and have a substantial impact and are a significant component when it comes to branding. The advantage of choosing the right fonts and colors for your business is crucial. The color scheme used in your brand has a significant impact on other marketing assets. It affects the way you design your website create, create your logo, and much more.
Using brand colors that are similar on all platforms results in a unified look and makes them recognizable. Here you will find details on how you can choose fonts and colors that fit your brand.
How to Select Colors that Fit your Brand
A company brand should be unique as it defines that company; this includes the font size and colors you select for that specific design. The information provided below will enable you to create and design branding strategies that concentrate on selecting colors that fit your brand.
Creating Your Brand Identity
The colors you choose for your brand reflect the identity of your brand. The color you choose should align with the message you would wish to communicate together with your values. The first thing to do is to define the identity of your brand. Come up with a list that describes your company and a design that will set give you an upper hand over your competitors.
Exploring Color Meanings
After you identify your brand, you can now select colors to beautify it. Colors have different meanings as well as cultural and contextual meanings. For instance, restaurants and food businesses opt for warm colors such as yellow, organs, and red, which attract attention and stimulate appetite.
Some food brands use green color to promote nutrition and wellbeing. Others will use pink and blue for desserts and sweets. Tech companies use blue, which symbolizes efficiency, intelligence, and trust. Purple is also used to convey creativity and quality. Black color is mostly used by beauty and fashion industries to indicate glamour and sophistication. Warm colors such as orange, pink, and red are used to signify excitement and confidence.
Searching for Inspiration
Before deciding on the color to choose:
- Check other brands’ colors for inspiration.
- Check your competitor’s pallets and consider what makes them outstanding.
- Check the choices of their color and figure out what you’ll make your choice of colors different.
Online color generators can also be a good source of inspiration, and you can find better ideas for fascinating shades and color pairing.
Select Your Primary and Secondary Colors
Primary colors are mainly used in all publications, graphics, and much more. Primary colors are dominant to the visual identity of the brand.
Primary colors are mainly linked with the logo. This method is used to create the perception of a wide range of colors such as company t-shirts, color painting, garment printing, and much more.
You can use different tints and shades of the color you select from dark, lush, and soft. Secondary colors complement primary colors. You can use different hues or shades of your primary colors combined with a secondary color if you use warm colors like yellows and oranges. You can use secondary colors in your social media brand’s website and packaging.
Identifying Your Brand Essence
Identify your brand objectives and goals and what you want to communicate to the target audience. This will help you refine the best colors for your brand. Consider if you want your customers to be informed or happy, or you want them to feel confident, positive, or intelligent.
Consider if your brand is serious, fun, or inspirational. The way you would want your business to be perceived will determine which color scheme to select.
Check the Competitors Brand Colors
Brand colors should be distinct and recognizable. Your products should stand out from the competitors. Look for different ways to make to spate your products from the competitor’s.
With the above-listed ways to choose brand colors to fit your business, you can now select the best colors for your brand. It is important to remember to identify your brand by properly aligning relevant colors. Also, consider the impact of the color when selecting colors for your product launch and brand. Colors evoke feelings, moods, and emotions. As a business owner knowing the power and effect of color psychology will assist you in making better decisions. Brand color is likely the first thing your customers see. Color coveys information evokes feelings and emotions. The color used in a brand gives the customer the first impression and makes the customers decide which products to choose.
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