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Overstimulation Overload: Coping Strategies for Children in a Fast-Paced World



Overstimulation Overload Coping Strategies for Children in a Fast-Paced World

Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

Today’s fast-paced, digital world has many triggers for children, and this overstimulation can cause anxiety and attention challenges. In children with other challenges, such as ADHD, this process can make their symptoms worse. As a parent, you have probably researched many different over-the-counter medications, such as Thesis Nootropics vs Adderall, but there are a few strategies you can use to help your child cope as well.

Foster Meaningful Communication

First, make sure you keep communication channels open to your children. Ask them meaningful questions about their days, emotions, challenges, likes and dislikes, etc. When they approach you with something to say, do your best to give them your full attention. The topic may not mean much to you, but it does to them.

Focus on listening first. Then, you can insert examples from your life now or as a child and how you dealt with similar problems. Encourage them to talk about their emotions and teach them how to manage them properly. Be a person they feel comfortable and excited to talk to.

Show Healthy Behaviors

Children learn by example. They will often follow and mimic what you do, not what you say, especially if these two things oppose one another. Therefore, live a healthy lifestyle and practice healthy behaviors. This includes what you eat, how you exercise, what you do to relax, your work ethic and how you treat people. You should also mimic taking your vitamins or medications to encourage them to take their non prescription ADHD medication.

Teach Relaxation Techniques

To help your children return to a less stressful mindset, teach them how to relax. You can start with teaching them to breathe properly and refocus their minds through meditation. You may teach them to count down from 10 or focus on a specific activity they enjoy. Mindfulness practices can also teach them how to recognize their feelings and what causes them.

Encourage Active Lifestyles

Physical activity stimulates the pleasure senses in the brain, releasing chemicals that make your children feel good. Therefore, you should adopt an active lifestyle and encourage one in your children. You may suggest that they get involved in sports or dancing. You can also play active games with them, such as those you can play outdoors. The goal is for them to get regular physical exercise.

During times of high stress, you should also encourage physical activities. You may take them out of the stressful situation and get them moving. This may be as simple as finding some music you can move to and dancing with your children. You can also grab a ball and play a game or just start a contest to see who can jump highest or run fastest. Make these physical activities fun to get your children’s minds of their stress.

Practice Gratefulness

One of the best ways to get your children to refocus their brains on the positive things in their lives is to practice gratitude. Ask them about what they feel grateful for. You can even encourage them to write down a few things or turn this practice into a game.

As you research non habit forming anti anxiety medications to help your children, don’t forget to incorporate these strategies when they feel overstimulated or anxious.

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